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In order to encourage more and more foreign young fellows and pioneers to join our grand event, CPSC2020 would like to offer a YOUNG SCHOLAR TRAVEL AWARD to international abstracts submissions.
The YOUNG SCHOLAR TRAVEL AWARD includes registration fee waived, accommodations up to 3 nights hotel assigned by the congress, limited coverage to the comprehensive air fare and a life time opportunity to communicate with world famous professors.
Have your young colleges and fellows and students submit their original work focusing on innovational pancreatic studies to win the YOUNG SCHOLAR TRAVEL AWARD. Both clinical work and basic science research are equally encouraged!
<<Deadline for Abstract Submission>>
March 30, 2019

Congress Secretariat (17
th CPSC)  

Chinese Medical Association  
Tel: +86 10 8515 8150  
Email: cpscss@126.com  

Housing Management  
Liangtian Wang (Ms) 
Tel: +86 189 5016 5387
Email: wlt@fjxmly.com

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